This is a short, beautiful and fun walk. It is mostly flat and rather easy, though there is a rocky trail to follow near the start that requires careful footing. It’s about 750 meters long, 1.5 km round-trip.
Bring hotdogs and a one-time grill or campfire wood, because there is a great spot to relax at the end!
From House of Dragons, it’s 2.5 km to the start of the trail. Follow Drakestrandveien past Hindrum Fjordsenter. Take the second road to the right past the fjordsenter. If you reach the tunnel, you’ve missed it.
Park on the grass at the top of this road, then walk down the road and follow the trail to the left (before the garage). You’ll quickly find a sign with some local folklore about the trail.
You’ll walk through a lovely magical forest, then find a stony climb up the stones that were “sprung” (“spranget”) when the road was built. The trail quickly gets easier and easier. You’ll walk past several marked viewing spots.
Rounding the corner at Sprangaksla is a good spot to throw a stone into the fjord! How far out can you throw one?
Around the corner you’ll walk right along the base of the mountain. Warn your children: there is a troll cave up ahead, so move quietly! If the troll is home, he will come out and offer you tea. It is the worst-tasting tea you have ever had, but you must tell him it is delicious!
If the troll is not home, you can sit in his cave and look around.
There’s some really lovely geology along this trail. Keep your children away from the edge, as there’s quite a drop down to the rocky fjord with no safety rails.
At the end of the trail is a fantastic area with a stone table, a fire pit, small ponds, and much to discover. Light a fire, grill some hotdogs, sign the book in the “Postkasse”, and get some great photos.
Be sure to douse the fire with water when you’re done, and enjoy the wonderful views on the way home.
Can you spot Amborneset, home to House of Dragons? (On the left you can see three layers of land. The first is Hindrum, the background is the other side of the fjord, and the one in the middle has Amborneset at the left, far out in the fjord. The highest point in the picture above is Borgen, another great walk.)